Thursday, July 12, 2012


Who's ya mama?
Yesterday I was grumpy because 1. my wonderful running buddies that I love unconditionally (hi, running buddies!) bailed on me in the morning for our 5miler and 2. I had therapy yesterday and all kinds of grief work was started which is completely necessary but hard..

So I went for a run. And my, my did I rock it out!  I was so proud of myself.  I am pretty consistent in my 10 - 10:15 minute miles and usually when I run alone, I can squeak out a pace of 9:49/mile but 9:34?! WOOT! And yes, that's the average pace.  Not the pace for just one mile and yes, I did hills and turnarounds and all that jazz, ahem, Hilly.

Let's not talk about this morning's 4 miles at 10:47.  Oops.

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