Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Job!

On Friday, I will be closing my door at Guilco and opening a new door at a private independant school here in town.

It all happened randomly.  I wasn't looking for a job at all but as these things happen in this profession, a former colleague called to tell me about this opening (she also happens to work there. Oh and is now going to be my boss, but that's NOT how I got the job.)

I was on vacation at the River with my sister having the best.week.ever. and she called.  I talked about the job to friends, family, anyone who would listen and I decided to interview.  Monday after I got back from vacation.  Following Will's allergy check.  Ha.  What's that saying? "Anything worth doing is worth overdoing?"  Yeah, that's me.

So two weeks, 3 face to face interviews/meetings/tours, one skype call with two volunteers, I got the call that I'm hired! 

It's a great school that will offer my boys a great education.  Mo' money, reduced tuition, better insurance, better, better, better.  Oh, and room for advancement and a commute that could*  involve walking to work.

Yahoo! I start on the 4th! 

*Let's be serious here. I'm a runner but I'm not really a walk to work kind of girl.


  1. FINALLY!...and YES!! proud of you!

  2. You better be walking to school. :) And finding out where the track bathroom key is located along with other duties. :) Happy & excited for you! Now where is the best 5th birthday ever post!?!

  3. Congrats again! It looks like your timeline was really similar to mine :) I start 6 days after you! Lunch soon!
