Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rainy 4miles

So, I convinced my crazy girls (I stole this name from Jules!) to start at 5:45 instead of 6. What's 15 minutes right? Will gets up at 6:30 and we were getting home at 7 and I just HATE not having that little bit of time with him. Today, I got home at 6:45 and he'd just been up for 10 minutes. I know, I'm probably crazy but I can't help it. I love being with my boy in the morning.. Hm... when we increase to 5 and 6 miles, we might have to start EVEN earlier!!

I got up this morning and got dressed in Will's playroom just as I always do in the mornings. See... I set EVERYTHING out the night before in the back room so I can minimize the risk of waking someone or everyone. I ran out the door and I immediately felt a very light mist. Whatever. It never STARTS to rain in the morning, right? As I drive closer to the park, it's getting more and more rainy. By the time we were all out of our cars, it was RAINING and I was squealing like a little kid.

Someone said "Well, we could go back to bed?" Yeah, right. She was half joking but that would NEVER happen in my house. For one thing, Will would be up in another 45 minutes and two, I could never just fall asleep that quickly in the morning. So off we went.

We did our normal 4 mile route and I enjoyed chatting with my new running buddy. We did the 4 big ass hills and were done. At the end, I was soaked but it was nice to stand in the rain and cool off a bit before getting into the car.

You know what? Between the great conversation and the rain and the earliness of the whole thing, I never once even thought about the fact that we were running. I mean, I did... going up those BEAST hills but I never found myself going "Oh, I can't go anymore.." or "oh, my leg hurts". I just ran and chatted and enjoyed the morning out.

It's like...*gasp*... these morning jaunts are just really easy all the sudden? You know, what have you done today? "Oh, ran 4 miles in the rain at 5:45 a.m." NO big deal and NO skin off my back.

I got some new running shorts at Target yesterday that are making me happy. I was wearing just below the knee pants for every.run and now I have something cooler to wear. I am dying to buy more running tanks but that little Father's Day thing is really taking a hit on my allowance for the month.

I hope Target has those $9.99 tanks still in July. I like, LOVE them. They are lightweight and totally affordable.

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