Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thank GOD for my conscience on Facebook

I posted on facebook that I really did not want to run in the rain and boy did I get the motivation. Jules and another friend, Anna, had no sympathy for me and the things I worry about like falling down or getting struck by lightening. So, I checked the radar on and saw that I had about an hour window that I could get dressed, get to the park, run and get home before the rain started again and guess what? I did just that.

I decided that I did NOT want to do beast hills x4 so I came up with a new (to me) route that is 3.4 miles ... since I did about 2.5 yesterday, I figured it was okay to skimp my 3.5 run by .1. It was HOT out there and as soon as I stepped out of my car I was drenched with sweat.

Anyway, I went across the street from NMP to the short 1/2 mile semi-circle, went back into the NMP and did GA all the way to the end and back (2.4 miles) and then back to my 1/2 mile semi circle. Very easy run that only has 2 monster hills total. I tell ya. Hills are HARD and really slow me down for a few minutes until I can recover fully.

I get a little weirded out running GA sometimes because of the scarceness of the people out there. And, it's right next to a cemetery so I mean, how icky is that? There's a lot of older men out there and some die-hard runners and one biker that I see no matter what time of day. He must be out there ALL the time. Today, I ran into a very nice walker who was also trying to figure out if it was RAINING or if the trees were just shaking off the water. She was adorable.

Anyway, it was a great run and I felt good doing it. I finished 3.4 in 37 minutes. A little slow, but whatever. I did it, right?

Coming up: 5 mile run with the group on Saturday morning. In one of my new running tanks from Target that were $7 each! Woot!

Total: 3.4 Miles

1 comment:

  1. LMAO. See...aren't you glad I am mean soemtimes and have NO SYMPATHY for your psychosis??? :)
